NY (Modernism) Series
This series was influenced by a road trip that I went on to Ohio, Upstate New York, Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts. The road trip lasted a month and half or so and was years before creating these pieces. I call it the NY Series because I used references to help me create these paintings from artists that either are from or lived in New York while creating their artwork. These paintings are much more free feeling to me than my other pieces. Hiking really taught me how to be free with myself and it helped me to get to know myself more. I would consider these paintings abstract modernism/contemporary more so than my other pieces of work.
Most of these pieces were experimentations with oil, whether it may be oil, oil stick, and/or oil pastels. I used oil, oil stick, oil pastels, soft pastels, acrylic on multimedia XL paper. Except the last one, which is on canvas. All are either 18x24 or 22x30.