Breakstar Galactica

This is a duo project I have with producer C.F.C. Scarface. We plan on making all kinds of music from electronic jazz to hip-hop to jazz fusion and everything in between. This project is more like a collective where eventually we are going to have many featured artists including musicians of all sorts, singers/rappers, and even creative artist that want to display their artwork within our releases. In every release of BG, I will be using a different kind of drum set depending on the sound I want for that album. For example, my drum set where I will be playing Jazz music will be more of a hybrid fusion kind of drum set without a bass drum; compared to the more traditional drum set with a bass drum. We have one EP called, “Playground Producing” and currently are working on our self-titled album. Our first single from that album is out on Spotify and Apple Music. In this project I am going to really push my limits as the musician I am to create an original sound that cannot be found elsewhere. Thanks for your support as always! :)

#3 Single

“Playground Producing” EP

The rest of the EP can be found on Spotify and/or Apple Music.